Better Grab My Red Shirt
*Sitting in the living room of my homestay on the couch* Lolli(host dad): Koko (May I enter?) Me: Tsena! (Enter!) Lolli: Mogomotsi Me: Erra (yes dad?) Lolli: Mogomotsi I have brought a cow and you’re going to help me slaughter it Me: Alright better grab my red shirt. During my time at Carroll College one of my biggest take a ways came not from my time in class, but rather the campus ministry I participated in. Service was at the heart of everything we did whether it was speaking to the incoming freshman or participating in local service projects. Everything led back toward serving the other in a direct capacity. With that being said, service is never easy. It’s a constant drain both emotionally, physically and you’re often placed into situations in which you don’t have the resources necessary. (Don’t worry we’ll get to the cow slaughtering in a bit.) ...